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Projects provide a scope to contain Blueprints and Deployments. This scope allows CBLE to track the usage and access to all objects within a project for all users.

Project Quota Overview

In the scope of blueprints, projects act as a library or catalog of blueprints that users can access to deploy. A blueprint must have a parent project to live in, otherwise, CBLE would not be able to perform access control on blueprints.

When requesting a deployment, the user must select a project to deploy it into. Projects track the combinerd resource usage of all the deployments within it and ensure that the project's resource quota's are not exceeded. This enables administrators to limit how many resources any given user/group is using. Deployments do not have to be deployed into the same project as the blueprint and in fact this enables a use case where you can have a "General Catalog" project containing blueprints all users can access and then a "<Username>'s Project" for each user to deploy into.